Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New item: "Hate Me"

The new "Hate Me" shirt is up on CynicWear.

I don't remember the specifics of the conversation this one came out of, but I do remember ending it with this line, followed by, "man, I need that on a shirt," which is often how these things get started. I think I'll get it next, right after the remade Quantum Physics shirt. (And now you know where my so-called "profits" go.)

It's true, though, it drives me nuts when people simply don't have reasons for why they hate someone/something; they're simply reacting. Let's just take one example: I used to end up in arguments with coworkers and classmates about President Bush's merits/lack thereof. Once their objections had been heard out and evaluated, they almost always boiled down to "he's stupid," or "he's an idiot," or "he's a stupid idiot." (There were a few pleasant exceptions.)

And I thought that sucked. I mean, I had my problems with the guy, sure, but I wasn't going to use "he's stupid" for the justification of why I was mad at him. Any idiot could do that. Lots and lots of them did. No, no, I had reasons. I used to tell them that if they were going to damn the man, they should do it for something important. Damn him for betraying the ideals he claimed to believe in, for spending us into oblivion in the name of fiscal restraint, starting another declaration-less war against a tactic instead of an enemy, or the Patriot Acts, wiretaps, the creation of the housing bubble that is now bursting, logging regulations, Terri Schiavo, corruption, Brownie's "heck of a job", whatever, take your pick.

See? Do it on principle; it's more forceful when you've got good reasons. Beats the hell out of "stupid" any day. And sometimes, you just have to remind people you're right when you're done. :)

1 comment:

Haiku Joy said...

Who could hate this face?
Such inspired beauty, and
Absolutely right!