Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Design: Rolling Twenties

Sunday night, sitting at the dinner table, I was going through some fonts for a different project when I came across this 1920's-ish retro font. It's one of those that when I saw it, I knew I'd have to do something with it. It was too cool to just leave it there, but until now I could never decide what to make from it.

So in showing it off to my wife, I used the sample text "Roaring Twenties", which in turn made me think of the d20 polyhedral dice.

(I think I want a set of dice for Christmas. I saw a really neat "Skully" set the other day that looked incredible. Even the wife loved them.)

I think it's also the fastest I've made a graphic design yet. If you remember me fussing about how long it takes me to draw anything, then you can imagine this makes me happy. I've moved up to the new version of Inkscape, by the way (0.47 stable release, I'm not doing dev builds... yet), and it's a big improvement on what was already a very nice program. Brief example: path highlighting. When using the node editor tool, it briefly flashes the outline of paths as the cursor passes over them. Even such a conceptually simple step can speed up work a great deal.

-- Cynic

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